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  • Writer's pictureVicar Matt Doebler

Matins Devotion: November 28, 2022

Are we living in the last days? Well, these days it seems like everyone's got an opinion on that issue. We hear of mathematicians who claim to have cracked a secret bible code. We hear of mega-church pastors who want to school you on the significance of blood moons. But we don’t need to scour astronomical charts or go in search of YouTube prophets in order to know when the Last Days will arrive. Because Scripture has already spoken. Peter tells us plainly that the last days began with the first advent of Christ—“who was made manifest in these last times for your sake.” Until Christ’s return, every day is a day lived in the last days.

That’s why Peter tells us to prepare our minds for action. Actually, I like the way the King James translation puts it: Gird up the loins of your mind. In the ancient world, when you had to get somewhere fast, you would gather up the length of your robe and tuck it into your belt. That's what "girding up your loins" meant. Today we might say something like: "lace up your running shoes and get ready to move!" Peter's point is that these Last Days are a race—not a waiting room. A time to put our faith into action—not to sit on our hands and wait for the end to come. Peter tells us that in these last days, we are to resist evil and live lives of holiness. To be the holy people that we’ve become through the finished work of Christ. To recognize that our time is short and to move with purpose toward the finish line—having set our hope on the grace of God that is ours and will be ours on that very Last Day when Christ is revealed.

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