The ancient Assyrians were among the most terrifying and brutal civilizations ever. They were a uniquely vicious people, especially as warriors. In fact, while we typically associate crucifixion with the Romans, the Assyrians are probably the ones who invented it. So as the King of Assyria prepared his army to destroy Judah, the commanders of Judah weren’t just terrified because the Assyrian army was larger. It was also because they were fiercer.
But King Hezekiah gives a perfect word of encouragement to his generals to strengthen their resolve. “With King Sennacherib is an arm of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God, to help us and to fight our battles.” An arm of flesh is all the king has. Despite all his power, he is still mortal, and their God can destroy his power, which, of course, the Lord does. Through the avenging angel of death, God does what He once did for His people in Egypt and destroys the power of those who despise Him and His people. God tears apart the arm of flesh belonging to the Assyrian King.
That’s how God saved His people temporally. But how does God save His people eternally? In a beautiful irony, He does it through an arm of flesh. He sends His Son into the flesh. The Son of God becomes man. And while men tear the flesh of Christ apart, as they pierce the hands of his arms, God the Father uses the blood of His Son to forgive the sins of the world, to forgive you, to win eternal life for you.
And because of this, then no arm of flesh in this world has the right to terrify you. No political leader, no army, no warriors, no law, no storming throng of enemies ever needs to frighten you. Even if men take your life, they can’t take your life because your life has already been claimed through the flesh of Jesus Christ, through the strength of His one dead but now living arm. Your God will fight for you. He will give you the victory. Be at peace.